Visions of Floyd

I don't know much about Visions of Floyd (although I think they are from Dublin) except that they are a group of Pink Floyd fans who reproduced a number of the band's hits at the National Concert Hall last evening (Monday 8th August). As far as I know, it was a one night stand although hopefully they will be back. It was, I gather, their first ever public performance and it was impressive. The show started at 20.00 and ended about 22.45, including an encore. The band got a richly deserved standing ovation.

It wasn't a perfect performance but I've no doubt they will get better. They began by performing songs from Dark Side of the Moon, which they might have kept for the second act (after a fifteen minute or so interval around 21.00). The drums were too loud for a venue of the NCH's size (they would be more suited to The Point or to an outdoor venue) and likewise some of the guitar playing was a little on the loud side. However, neither took away from what was a very, very good show.

It is a testament to the greatness of Pink Floyd that Visions of Floyd (who gave every appearance of having prepared very thoroughly for the concert) didn't fully recreate the original sound. That, however, would be impossible but no doubt Visions of Floyd will keep striving for perfection.

The contrast between the trite, contrived, childish, talentless boy bands that we are inflicted with and the talent and maturity of Visions of Floyd (who said very little on stage and don't appear to be bothered about PR) was stark and striking. The band consists of three guitarists (one of whom is also the main vocalist), a drummer, a keyboard player and a saxophonist as well as three female backing singers, who have very strong voices. One in particular stood out.

If you are a Pink Floyd fan and you get an opportunity to see the show don't miss it.

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